Three Rivers Bird Dog Club
Puppy Stake (Open and/or Amateur Walking)
For dogs 6 months of age and under 15 months of age on the first advertised day of the trial (e.g., a dog whelped on January 30, 1989, would not be eligible for entry in a Puppy stake at a trial which starts on April 30, 1990). Horseback handling is not permitted in Amateur Walking Puppy stakes.
Derby Stake (Open and/or Amateur Walking)
For dogs six (6) months of age and under two (2) years of age on the first advertised day of the trial (e.g., a dog whelped on January 30, 1989, would not be eligible for entry in a Derby stake at a trial which starts on January 30, 1991). Horseback handling is not permitted in Amateur Walking Derby stakes.
Gun Dog Stake (Open and/or Amateur)
For dogs six (6) months of age and over on the first advertised day of the trial
All-Age Stake (Open and/or Amateur)
For dogs six (6) months of age and over on the first advertised day of the trial.
Limited Gun Dog Stake (Open and/or Amateur)
For dogs six (6) months of age and over on the first advertised day of the trial which have placed first, second, third or fourth in any Gun Dog Stake, or a first place in an Open Derby stake. A field trialgiving club may give an Amateur Limited Gun Dog Stake in which places that qualify a dog have been acquired in Amateur Stakes only. The stake must be advertised as such in the premium list and any additional advertising that may be done. First place in an Amateur Walking Derby Stake qualifies the dog to enter an Amateur Limited Gun Dog Stake only.
Grand Open Limited Gun Dog Stake and/or Grand Amateur Limited Gun Dog Stake for dogs six (6) months of age and over on the first advertised dog of the trial which have placed first through fourth in any Gun Dog Stake (open or amateur), or a first place in an Open Derby stake. First place in an Amateur Walking Derby Stake qualifies the dog to enter a Grand Amateur Limited Gun Dog Stake only. Note #1: Grand Limited stakes are different than Limited Stakes in that Grand stakes must be run for at least 60 minutes per brace. Note #2: Dogs that have not earned the FC or AFC title may enter Grand Limited stakes. Points earned by these dogs will be credited toward their FC or AFC title. Points will not be split between FC/AFC titles and GFC/GAFC titles.
Limited All-Age Stake (Open and/or Amateur)
For dogs six (6) months of age and over on the first advertised day of the trial which have placed first, second, third or fourth in any All-Age Stake, or a first place in an Open Derby stake. A field trial-giving club may give an Amateur Limited All-Age Stake in which places that qualify a dog have been acquired in Amateur Stakes only. When a club elects the latter option, the stake must be advertised as such in the premium list and any additional advertising that may be done. First place in an Amateur Walking Derby Stake qualifies the dog to enter an Amateur Limited All-Age Stake only.
Grand Open Limited All-Age Stake and/or Grand Amateur Limited All-Age Stake For dogs six (6) months of age and over on the first advertised dog of the trial which have placed first through fourth in any All-Age Stake (open or amateur), or a first place in an Open Derby stake. First place in an Amateur Walking Derby Stake qualifies the dog to enter a Grand Amateur Limited All-Age Stake only. Note #1: Grand Limited stakes are different than Limited Stakes in that Grand stakes must be run for at least 60 minutes per brace. Note #2: Dogs that have not earned the FC or AFC title may enter Grand Limited stakes. Points earned by these dogs will be credited toward their FC or AFC title. Points will not be split between FC/AFC titles and GFC/GAFC titles. In an Amateur Stake at a licensed or member field trial all dogs must be handled by persons who, in the judgment of the Field Trial Committee, are qualified as Amateurs.